
About Me




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I’m currently going between Baltimore and New York City, working for Verge Scientific Communications. You can occasionally hear my voice on the New Books in Science podcast.

I recently graduated from Harvard University, where I was a part of Pforzheimer House and pursued a joint degree in astrophysics and physics, with a secondary (which is Harvard-speak for minor) in English.

I spent a lot of my time at the h.q. of WHRB 95.3FM Cambridge, where I’ve worn different hats for the past three years and go under the codename ichor. My friends and I re-started the Harvard Photography Club a couple of years ago, a hobby which I have kept since. I was also around the Office of Career Services, moving papers and assuring kids their tie was straight before their finance interviews.

Otherwise - I read a fair amount, I try to speak French, I talk about music and art a lot, I eat mostly veggies and dessert, I try to practice ethical consumerism, I have a chaotic an unconventional sleeping schedule and I overuse the words “also”, “by the way” and “super”.


Reach out!

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Some places where you might have ran into me


Harvard University

Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (Cfa)

WHRB 95.3FM Cambridge

Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO)

University of Cambridge, Institute of Astronomy (IOA)

International Computer High school of Bucharest

Institute of Space Science, Magurele (iss)